OKC RW April Board Meeting

GOP State Headquarters 4031 N. Lincoln, Oklahoma City, OK

You are welcome to attend our upcoming March Board Meeting as follows: Date: Tuesday, April 21, 2020 Time: 10:30 AM – Registration & Coffee | 11:00 AM Meeting Location: GOP State Headquarters 4031 N. Lincoln Oklahoma City, OK 73105 (405) 528-3501

OKC RW May 2020 General Meeting

May 4, 2020 | 11:00 a.m. Convene Virtual Meeting (instructions below) Speaker: Janet Barresi Watch Janet's video welcome message>> Janet Barresi, a former dentist who served one term as state schools superintendent, has joined the race for the 5th District congressional seat. You can see her full bio on her website. There will be three ways for members and our community to participate in this first ever virtual OKCRWC General Meeting: WATCH ON FACEBOOK LIVE Log into your Facebook Account. From your News Feed (Home), click Watch on the left. Then click Live (red camera icon) below Watch on the left. [...]

Primary Forum

Venue, time and location TBA

OKCRWC General Meeting – VIRTUAL

Join us for our August general meeting of the Oklahoma City Republican Women's Club. This will be a virtual meeting available via Facebook Live or Uber Conference. Instructions for participation: The meeting will last one hour and will be available via Uber Conference, FaceBook Live and by Conference Call. Keynote speaker will be Suzanne Callihan who will present a power point presentation on recent research regarding Oklahoma County, CD5 and the Sheriff’s Runoffs and the state of the Party.  Additionally, we will cover HD88, Unite Norman and other pressing issues.  This is a very important meeting.  Please come prepared to listen [...]

OKCRWC Board Meeting

GOP State Headquarters 4031 N. Lincoln, Oklahoma City, OK

OKC RW September 2020 General Meeting

Higher Plain Baptist Church 6810 NW 122nd St, Oklahoma City, OK, United States

10:30 a.m. Check-in; 11:00 a.m. Convene Bring a guest! We'll be at our new meeting place Higher Plain Baptist Church on 122nd between Rockwell and MacArthur since the NW Library is still closed. Program:  David McLain, Chairman of the Oklahoma Republican Party will be the guest speaker  

OKCRWC Board Meeting

Oklahoma City Golf & Country Club 7000 NW Grand Blvd, Nichols Hills, OK, United States

Board meetings are open to all members. 10:30AM convene 11:00AM meeting Lots to talk about on the eve of the November 3rd election!

OKC RW November 2020 General Meeting

Oklahoma City Golf & Country Club 7000 NW Grand Blvd, Nichols Hills, OK, United States

10:30 a.m. Check-in; 11:00 a.m. Convene Program: Dennis Bradford WWII Normandy presentation  

OKCRWC Board Meeting

Oklahoma City Golf & Country Club 7000 NW Grand Blvd, Nichols Hills, OK, United States

Board meetings are open to all members.  

OKC RW Christmas Luncheon

Oklahoma City Golf & Country Club 7000 NW Grand Blvd, Nichols Hills, OK, United States

Please note: If you prefer to send a check and avoid the credit cards fees, please mail your check to our Treasurer, Cathy Meyer.


OKCRWC January General Meeting

Oklahoma City Golf & Country Club 7000 NW Grand Blvd, Nichols Hills, OK, United States

Networking at 10:30AM; Meeting is 11AM to noon. Bring friends! Featured speaker is OK Attorney General Mike Hunter. He'll be speaking on election fraud in our nation and election security in the state of Oklahoma. ***NEW: ADD LUNCH (OPTIONAL)*** Now Offering Pre-boxed Lunch for $25: Chicken or Veggie Wrap Fruit Salad Bagged Potato Chips Pickle Spear Cookie Drink RSVP on the Facebook private page - https://www.facebook.com/events/1084698458608093 Pay when you check in at the meeting. No shows who RSVP for lunch will be billed by club. For more information or questions, email [email protected].  

OKCRWC January Board Meeting

Oklahoma City Golf & Country Club 7000 NW Grand Blvd, Nichols Hills, OK, United States

Board meetings are only open to the OKCRWC Executive Board and current OKCRWC members. If you have an expired or pending membership, you are not eligible to attend. If you are not sure about your membership status, please contact Jennifer Maxwell, 2nd VP, Membership or email [email protected]. This will be a special meeting on committees and procedural updates. Be prepared to roll up your sleeves and collaborate. Think of members who are actively engaged and would make great committee chairs or support for committee chairs. Bring your current directory.

OKCRWC February General Meeting

Oklahoma City Golf & Country Club 7000 NW Grand Blvd, Nichols Hills, OK, United States

Networking at 10:30AM; Meeting is 11AM to noon. Members please RSVP on the Facebook private page -  https://www.facebook.com/events/521891098790631 For more information or questions, email [email protected]. ***No lunch option this month*** Grab friends, family, co-workers and join us for our February General Meeting at OKC Golf & Country Club. Guest speaker is Jenni White, Mayor of Luther, with an energizing message: PATRIOTISTM 101. Jenni White has a Master’s degree in biology and has had careers in advertising, biology, epidemiology, and teaching. She is the former education director and co-founder of Reclaiming Oklahoma Parent Empowerment - through which she helped stop Common Core [...]

ERWC February General Meeting

Eddie's 2828 E. 2nd St, Edmond, OK, United States

Join us in supporting Edmond Republican Women's Club. We encourage you to attend their February meeting and if you haven't already, join their club as an Associate member! They have a wonderful buffet for $15 (it's optional).  

OKCRWC February Board Meeting

Oklahoma City Golf & Country Club 7000 NW Grand Blvd, Nichols Hills, OK, United States

--CANCELLED DUE TO INCLEMENT WEATHER-- Board meetings are only open to the OKCRWC Executive Board and current OKCRWC members. If you have an expired or pending membership, you are not eligible to attend. If you are not sure about your membership status, please contact Jennifer Maxwell, 2nd VP, Membership or email [email protected]. We meet in the Regency Room (go to left corridor when you enter club).

Helen Cole Republican Women’s Club Meeting

Hollie's Flatiron Grill 1199 S I-35 Service Rd, Moore, OK, United States

We encourage all members to attend and join as an associate member. HCRWC meets the 4th Tuesday of every month at Hollie’s in Moore. 6pm-dinner and networking 6:30pm-meeting Tonight's featured speaker: Senator Rob Standridge

Oklahoma County GOP Convention

Higher Plain Baptist Church 6810 NW 122nd St, Oklahoma City, OK, United States

Oklahoma County Republican Party Convention is Saturday, February 27, 2021. Registration is from 8:00 to 10:00 Convention convenes at 10:00 A.M.  

OKCRWC March General Meeting

Oklahoma City Golf & Country Club 7000 NW Grand Blvd, Nichols Hills, OK, United States

Networking at 10:30AM; Meeting is 11AM to noon. Bring friends! Members can RSVP for themselves and their invited guests on our group Facebook private page - https://www.facebook.com/events/ For more information or questions, email [email protected].   ENOUGH POLITICAL THEATRE In the public sphere, “political theater” is synonymous with “empty show.” It’s a gesture. Posturing. Grandstanding. Sound and fury, likely to be signaling no genuine idea but certainly indicating a play for power. ABOUT DAN FISHER | FEATURED SPEAKER Dan grew up in western Arkansas and felt God’s call to the ministry very early. He preached his first sermon at 16 and by [...]

Edmond Republican Women’s Club March Meeting

Eddie's 2828 E. 2nd St, Edmond, OK, United States

We encourage our members to attend other Republican Women's Clubs in our area. You will really enjoy Edmond's meetings. Brings friends and join as an Associate member if you are not already a member of the ERWC! FREE to attend or $15.00/Person (Cash Preferred, Credit Card or if Check make it payable to Eddie's) for optional buffet. 11:15 am: Registration and Mingle 11:30 am: Lunch Buffet 11:45 -1:00 pm:  Meeting Hear the Edmond School Board candidates, Margaret Best (our Oklahoma City  Republican Women's Club candidate pick) and Lee Ann Kuhlman, who will be on the ballot April 6. They will have a few [...]