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⛳️ Become a sponsor for the Annual GOLFwithGOV.org golf tournament benefitting The Oklahoma Governor’s Prayer Breakfast.

Tax-deductible donations supporting The Oklahoma Governor’s Prayer Breakfast through Oklahoma Oklahoma Capitol Culture, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

  • Four Player Team $1,600
  • Title Sponsor $5,000 (includes a 4 Player Team)
  • Hole in One Sponsor $10,000 (includes a 6 Player Team)
  • Presenting Sponsor $20,000 (includes an 8 Player Team)

Registration and online payment at GolfwithGov.org on or after July 20, 2021. Alternatively, become a sponsor by check payable to:

Oklahoma Capitol Culture


4 NE 10th St. #111

Oklahoma City, OK 73104

Sponsored by https://www.capitolculture.com/