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The date for our annual First Ladies Luncheon is fast approaching! We’re looking forward to spending a fun afternoon with our Oklahoma Republican sisters & guests!

Our First Ladies committee has been working very hard to make this a wonderful event, and I just wanted to pass along some helpful information and reminders so all our ladies have the latest information.

This is a friendly reminder for each club to be planning their auction items/baskets! Our keynote speaker will be First Lady Sarah Stitt, on Saturday, Saturday, August 20th at 11:30am at Oak Tree Golf & Country Club.

It would be very helpful if I could receive your emailed auction item descriptions by Friday, August 12th.  Please email to: [email protected]

We understand that items may arrive on the day of the luncheon, all items are graciously accepted, but please have a written description in hand so I can create an appropriate bid sheet.

Also here’s a follow-up on the luncheon fees:

New First Lady, membership fee $100.00, plus $25.00 for lunch, total $125.00.

If a New First Lady  is unable to attend the luncheon, only the $100.00 membership fee is needed.

Renewing First Lady the renewal fee is 75.00 plus $25.00 for lunch, total $100.00.

If a Renewing First Lady  is unable to attend the luncheon, only the $75.00 membership fee is required to remain an active First Lady.

Guest fee for the luncheon – $75.00 (apologies, if you received a contribution statement stating this fee was $25.00)

Please let us know if you have any questions.  Our goal is to have a great event where all our new and returning First Ladies can enjoy a lovely lunch and fellowship, while raising money for our Republican Candidates!

Onward to OKFRW Success!,

Lorie Legere
Oklahoma Federation of Republican Women