ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS – This committee keeps track of members’ volunteer hours and submits them to both OFRW and NFRW for consideration. In addition, this committee ensures that we are fulfilling the obligations necessary to be eligible for this award.
AMERICANISM – This committee fosters respect for the Flag of the United States of America. Set an example for our members especially in the area of flag protocol. Encourage an allegiance to the United States and its customs and institutions, the OKFRW Americanism Committee strives to be a resource providing helpful guides, information, and resource links to assist our members to be passionate about our patriotism, love of country and flag. Americanism is the umbrella over Caring for America, Naturalization
CARING FOR AMERICA – This is our ‘community service’ committee. OKCRW supports several worthwhile charities in the OKC metro area and asks members for donations. Some of these charities include Veterans organizations, Suited for Success, children’s needs, Shelter for Abused Women, and others.
HOMELAND SECURITY/ARMED SERVICES – This committee would be called upon if any security emergency occurred. They also handle the Hugs Project, raising money to send care packages to our military overseas.
NATURALIZATION – This committee attends monthly Naturalization ceremonies at the U.S. District Courthouse. They welcome new citizens and assist them with Voter Registration.
AUDIT – This committee consists of three members the Treasurer, Budget/Finance Chair and Audit Chair who conduct an annual audit of the club’s books.
BOUTIQUE – This committee handles the purchase and sale of patriotic items at our meetings.
BUDGET/FINANCE – This committee meets in January to develop a budget for the year. The committee also keeps track of where the club stands according to the scheduled budget. This Chair works closely with the Club Treasurer and Treasurer-elect.
BYLAWS/PROTOCOL – This committee makes sure our bylaws conform to both OFRW and NFRW Bylaws and handles the wording of any proposed bylaws. They also consult if protocol questions arise. The Parliamentarian is typically a member of this committee.
CAMPAIGN ACTIVITIES – This committee studies the candidates running for office in our area and makes recommendations to the Board of Directors as to the dispensation of our donations.
CHAPLAIN/MINISTRY TEAM – This committee includes the devotional and inspirational message for each board and general meeting.
COMMUNITY OUTREACH – This committee designs and implements special programs, presentations, workshops for members and the community relative to legislative and cultural issues. Special Projects falls under this committee.
SPECIAL PROJECTS – This committee is responsible for getting volunteers for the various events we support each year, such as Habitat for Humanity Women’s Build, Symphony Show House, and the Oklahoma State Fair.
EDUCATION – This committee providing members with current information on educational opportunities available. It includes the Legislation/Research, Literacy and Scholarship Committees.
LEGISLATION/RESEARCH – This committee keeps the club up-to-date on the happenings at the Oklahoma Capitol, and may issue a ‘call to action’ for upcoming legislation.
LITERACY – This committee is responsible for selecting an underprivileged grade school each year to present books to each student. The day of the event, several other club members help with the distribution of the books and other gifts, along with snacks. Several times in the past, they have arranged for the OKC Thunder Bus to join us, allowing each of the students to go aboard the bus and select another book. Club members are asked to donate books for 3rd graders.
SCHOLARSHIP – This committee works with Jan Bradstreet to coordinate getting the Scholarship Application to various Republican groups, in order to give money to a non-traditional Republican woman student.
FUNDRAISING & SPONSORSHIPS – This committee is responsible for generating financial resources to support OKCRWC activities. This team develops fundraising programs, recruits sponsors and volunteers, and encourage support through promotional activities.
MARKETING & PR – This committee is responsible for marketing, public relations, advancement, and branding to promote OKCRWC’s mission. This team also oversees and approves all graphic design for the club.
COMMUNICATIONS – This committee is responsible for the periodic Red Hot News alerts and any special announcements to OKCRWC members. This committee sends all eBlast notifications and works with Marketing & PR committee for design of all communications.
DIRECTORY – This committee is responsible for producing the guts of the membership directory. The committee will also sell advertising in the directory to defray printing costs. The directory is published in March of each year.
MAGAZINE – This committee is responsible for collecting information such as news stories, legislation, club member photos, featured members and other segments for the quarterly OKCRWC “The Right News” magazine. The magazine is produced quarterly.
PHOTOGRAPHER – This committee is responsible for taking photos at all meetings and events to share on social media, website and The Right News magazine.
SOCIAL MEDIA – This committee will manage the private Facebook group page and the public page.
WEBSITE – This committee is responsible for the updating, maintenance and development of the OKCRWC.org website.
MEMBERSHIP – This committee is chaired by our 2nd Vice President and is responsible for welcoming new members into the club and keeping an accurate list of names and contact numbers. The committee also presents each new member with a Welcome Packet during “New member orientation” following each General meeting.
CALLING – This committee calls every member before every meeting, to remind them of the upcoming event. They also make calls with any unexpected news (such as meeting cancellation) or special event.
HOSPITALITY – This committee provides selection and procurement of food and beverage, table decorations, and set up and clean up for special events.
LEADERSHIP – This committee works on ideas for gaining new members, especially younger women, and helping to spread the Republican message.
RECRUITMENT EVENTS/REGISTRATION TEA – This committee works with the Hospitality Committee and is responsible for planning and executing our annual Registration Reception held in the fall. They serve as hostesses for recruitment events. They work with Marketing/PR Committee to produce invitations and marketing for the event.
WELCOMING – This committee is responsible for coordinating greeters for each general meeting. The greeters will stand just outside the entrance of the meeting to greet each attendee and provide any necessary directions or information.
PROGRAMS – This committee is chaired by our 1st Vice President. The committee is responsible for securing speakers for each of our regular meetings, getting the speaker’s bio, writing the article for the newsletter about the upcoming speaker, and then introducing the speaker at the meeting. The Speaker’s Bureau committee falls under Programs.
SPEAKER’S BUREAU – This committee researches and collaborates on the best speakers available for pressing topics including candidates during election years.