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Networking at 10:30AM; Meeting is 11AM to noon.

Members please RSVP on the Facebook private page –  https://www.facebook.com/events/521891098790631

For more information or questions, email [email protected].

***No lunch option this month***
Grab friends, family, co-workers and join us for our February General Meeting at OKC Golf & Country Club. Guest speaker is Jenni White, Mayor of Luther, with an energizing message: PATRIOTISTM 101.
Jenni White has a Master’s degree in biology and has had careers in advertising, biology, epidemiology, and teaching. She is the former education director and co-founder of Reclaiming Oklahoma Parent Empowerment – through which she helped stop Common Core in Oklahoma – and has written for publications including The Pulse, the Heartland Institute, and American Thinker. She is a homeschooling mother of five currently serving as the Mayor in Luther, Oklahoma where she helps her husband run their microfarm.
She is a writer for the Federalist. Of the last two significant articles, one was read by Glenn Beck on air during his show and was Tweeted out by Mark Levin.
The second was the follow up for her interviews with KOCO, KTVY, a radio station in Philadelphia and one in Chicago.