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There will be a select menu/price options to choose from along with a  free water & tea station set up for all.

Make sure you check in and register at the HCRWC table outside the room. Grab a name tag, pay your membership/associate dues, and get a chance to meet everyone.


May be an image of ‎1 person, standing and ‎text that says '‎HELEN GOLE MRNNN WOMEN'S AOTo ש JUNE MEETING TUESDAY, JUNE 22, 2021 HEYDAY ENTERTAINMENT 3201 Market PI, Norman, OK 73072 MEAL |6PM 6 PM MEETING 6:30 PM FEATURING RICK NAGEL OU BOARD OF REGENTS & CO-FOUNDER OF ACRON GROWTH COMPANIES focused on Aerospace & defense opportunities‎'‎‎