April General Meeting: Girls with Guns
April 4, 2023 @ 10:30 am - 12:00 pm
GO VOTE and then come hear our
Featured Speaker: Leyla Pirnie Hughes
“Girls with Guns: Know Your 2A Rights”
Featured Speaker: Leyla Pirnie Hughes
“Girls with Guns: Know Your 2A Rights”
Businesswoman and wife of Texas Senator Bryan Hughes, Leyla was a Harvard grad student told to move out after roommates find her legally owned firearms ‘uncomfortable’.
Leyla Hughes, Senior Director of International Relations at Ropir International, was born and raised in Izmir, Turkey. She speaks four languages and is a former President of Park Cities Republican Women’s Club (where our President, Audrey Harrah, formerly served as an officer). In Leyla’s free time, she volunteers for Daughters of the American Revolution and serves as a board member for Boots for Warriors, an organization that gifts custom, hand-crafted cowboy boots for wounded warriors and first responders.
Complimentary mini muffins, coffee & tea and networking at 10:30AM, meeting starts promptly at 11AM.
Meetings are open to OKCRWC members and their invited guests. Please RSVP on our private Facebook group page with “GOING” or text or call the club at 405-397-4257.