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So far OKCRWC has created 35 blog entries.

Scholarship Winner Announced


Cathy Wise, Mae Austin Scholarship Chairman, presents scholarship to Hester Ann Brown. Congratulations to Hester Anne Brown our Mae Austin Scholarship recipient for Fall 2015! These scholarships are available to women who are non-traditional students of higher education in the state of Oklahoma. They must be registered Republican voters in our state. For consideration, please complete the two (2) page application and mail it to: Mae Austin Education Committee Scholarship Review Oklahoma City Republican Women’s Club 4001 Twisted Trail Road Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73150-1910 Download the application here. Thank you, Scholarship Committee Oklahoma City Republican Women’s Club ENTRY DEADLINE [...]

Scholarship Winner Announced2015-06-04T14:06:44-05:00

Evelyn McCoy Named “Ladies in the News” Honoree


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: SUSAN HOWARD 405-524-1556 HOME; 405-990-8036 CELL rshoward@aol.com RE: Oklahoma Hospitality Club’s 49th Annual Ladies in the News LOCAL CHARITABLE EVENT Oklahoma Hospitality Club announces its 49th Annual Ladies in the News Luncheon and Style Show – ‘Sharing: A Simple Pleasure’. Twelve women will be honored at the fundraiser, Friday April 10, 2015, noon, at Oklahoma City Golf and Country Club. Event beneficiaries are Women’s Firstep and Hearts for Hearing, both Oklahoma City nonprofits. Oklahoma Hospitality Club, one of the state’s oldest and most prestigious charitable organizations, is in its 92nd year. OHC has raised and given well [...]

Evelyn McCoy Named “Ladies in the News” Honoree2015-06-04T13:51:26-05:00

Mae Austin Scholarship


In memory of longtime member Mae Austin, the Oklahoma City Republican Women’s Club will award two (2) $1,000 scholarships for the Fall semester of 2015. These scholarships are available to women who are non-traditional students of higher education in the state of Oklahoma. They must be registered Republican voters in our state. For consideration, please complete the two (2) page application and mail it to: Education Committee Scholarship Review Oklahoma City Republican Women’s Club 4001 Twisted Trail Road Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73150-1910 Download the application here. Thank you, Scholarship Committee Oklahoma City Republican Women’s Club ENTRY DEADLINE IS APRIL 15, 2015 [...]

Mae Austin Scholarship2015-06-04T13:43:03-05:00

Mae Austin Scholarship


In memory of longtime member Mae Austin, the Oklahoma City Republican Women’s Club will award two (2) $1,000 scholarships for the Fall semester of 2014. These scholarships are available to women who are non-traditional students of higher education in the state of Oklahoma. They must be registered Republican voters in our state. For consideration, please complete the two (2) page application and mail it to: Education Committee Scholarship Review Oklahoma City Republican Women’s Club 4001 Twisted Trail Road Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73150-1910 Download the application here. Thank you, Scholarship Committee Oklahoma City Republican Women’s Club ENTRY DEADLINE IS FEBRUARY 28, 2014 [...]

Mae Austin Scholarship2014-12-31T12:41:46-06:00

Gov. Mary Fallin supports tax cuts for Oklahoma


Gov. Mary Fallin wants to reduce your taxes and cut government spending. Oklahoma is all for smaller government and more jobs for our state. That's a good idea! We've got the details for you right here.  

Gov. Mary Fallin supports tax cuts for Oklahoma2013-11-02T20:44:26-05:00

Mr. President, I Built This


Help us fight for Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. The Oklahoma Republican Party's video "Mr. President, I Built This" is a strong testament to the GOP's strong stance in free enterprise. This video won an Addy Award in the "Video- Commercials" category at last week's 47th Annual Oklahoma City Addy Awards. The ADDY Awards is the advertising industry’s largest and most representative competition, attracting over 50,000 entries every year in local ADDY competitions. The video was produced by Cooper Ross of Insight Visual Media Productions. "We are thrilled that our video was recognized at such a prestigious award competition [...]

Mr. President, I Built This2013-06-27T11:14:47-05:00

Miss Oklahoma Latina Speaks at January Meeting


Miss Oklahoma Latina, Izabella Streetmaker, spoke at the Oklahoma City Republican Women's Club general meeting on January 7. Miss Streetmaker presented the pros and cons of the Dream Act. The DREAM Act is a symbol of hope for thousands of illegal immigrant youths in America as a pathway to legal residency and eventual citizenship. For others, it represents a first step to open borders and amnesty. The 10-year-old federal legislative proposal has taken various shapes. But it has kept the key provisions of giving undocumented immigrant youths an application process to residency if they graduate from high school and attend college [...]

Miss Oklahoma Latina Speaks at January Meeting2013-02-27T08:07:04-06:00
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